This commit is contained in:
玖叁 2025-01-02 00:36:19 +08:00
parent 0039e4fab5
commit 10c60159dc
1 changed files with 130 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ bool TrackingController::isAllHighState = false;
void TrackingController::init()
Serial.println("Tracking Init");
// 从存储中读取参数
Storage::getTrackingParams(baseSpeed, turnSpeed, rotateSensitive);
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ void TrackingController::setSpeed(uint8_t base, uint8_t turn)
baseSpeed = base;
turnSpeed = turn;
// 保存参数到存储
Storage::setTrackingParams(baseSpeed, turnSpeed, rotateSensitive);
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ void TrackingController::setSpeed(uint8_t base, uint8_t turn)
void TrackingController::setRotateSensitive(uint8_t sensitive)
rotateSensitive = sensitive;
// 保存参数到存储
Storage::setTrackingParams(baseSpeed, turnSpeed, rotateSensitive);
@ -44,58 +44,85 @@ void TrackingController::update()
if (offset == LOST_LINE)
// 如果是因为全高超时导致的停止
if (isAllHighState) {
if (isAllHighState)
Serial.println("Vehicle likely lifted, stopping all motors");
MotorController::motorXYRControl(0, 0, 0);
// 正常丢线处理逻辑
Serial.println("Lost line! Rotating to search...");
float rotateDirection = (lastOffset != 0) ? (lastOffset > 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f) : 1.0f;
isSearching = true;
MotorController::rotate(lastOffset < 0 ? ROTATE_CLOCKWISE : ROTATE_ANTICLOCKWISE, baseSpeed * rotateSensitive);
// 如果之前在搜索模式,现在找到线了,打印日志
if (isSearching) {
if (isSearching)
Serial.println("Line found!");
isSearching = false;
// 添加防抖:如果偏移量很小,认为是直线
if (abs(offset) < 0.2) {
if (abs(offset) < 0.5)
offset = 0;
// 更新最后的偏移量,用于丢线时的方向判断
lastOffset = offset;
// 直接使用偏移量控制转向,降低灵敏度
float correction = offset * 30.0f; // 降低转向系数
// 调整速度控制逻辑
float speedFactor;
if (abs(offset) > 1.5) {
// 大转弯时的速度因子
speedFactor = 0.6;
} else if (abs(offset) > 0.5) {
// 小转弯时的速度因子
speedFactor = 0.8;
} else {
// 直线时全速
speedFactor = 1.0;
float currentSpeed = baseSpeed * speedFactor;
// 调试信息
Serial.print("Offset: "); Serial.print(offset);
Serial.print(" Correction: "); Serial.print(correction);
Serial.print(" Speed: "); Serial.println(currentSpeed);
// 计算基础速度和转向调整
float leftSpeed = baseSpeed;
float rightSpeed = baseSpeed;
// 直接控制电机
MotorController::motorXYRControl(0, currentSpeed, -correction);
if (offset != 0)
// 根据偏移量调整左右轮速度
float speedDiff = baseSpeed * (abs(offset) / 2.0f); // 最大差速为基础速度的一半
// 增加最小速度差以确保能够转向
float minSpeedDiff = baseSpeed * 0.5f; // 最小速度差为基础速度的10%
if (speedDiff < minSpeedDiff)
speedDiff = minSpeedDiff;
if (offset < 0)
// 向左偏,左轮加速,右轮减速
leftSpeed += speedDiff;
rightSpeed -= speedDiff;
// 向右偏,右轮加速,左轮减速
leftSpeed -= speedDiff;
rightSpeed += speedDiff;
// 确保速度不超过限制
leftSpeed = constrain(leftSpeed, -baseSpeed, baseSpeed);
rightSpeed = constrain(rightSpeed, -baseSpeed, baseSpeed);
// 调试信息
Serial.print("Offset: ");
Serial.print(" Left: ");
Serial.print(" Right: ");
// 设置电机速度
MotorController::motorControl('A', leftSpeed); // 左前
MotorController::motorControl('B', leftSpeed); // 左后
MotorController::motorControl('C', rightSpeed); // 右后
MotorController::motorControl('D', rightSpeed); // 右前
// 计算偏移量,返回范围 [-2, 2]
@ -116,30 +143,36 @@ float TrackingController::calculateOffset(const IRData &irData)
// 检查是否所有传感器都是高电平或低电平
for (int i = 0; i < IR_COUNT; i++)
if ([i]) allLow = false;
else allHigh = false;
if ([i])
allLow = false;
allHigh = false;
// 全高状态处理
if (allHigh) {
if (allHigh)
// 如果刚进入全高状态
if (!isAllHighState) {
if (!isAllHighState)
isAllHighState = true;
allHighStartTime = millis();
Serial.println("All sensors high, continue moving forward");
return 0; // 返回0表示直行
return 0; // 返回0表示直行
// 检查是否超过超时时间
if (millis() - allHighStartTime >= ALL_HIGH_TIMEOUT) {
if (millis() - allHighStartTime >= ALL_HIGH_TIMEOUT)
Serial.println("All sensors high for too long, stopping (possibly lifted)");
return LOST_LINE; // 触发停止
return LOST_LINE; // 触发停止
return 0; // 继续直行
return 0; // 继续直行
if (isAllHighState) {
if (isAllHighState)
isAllHighState = false;
@ -153,52 +186,85 @@ float TrackingController::calculateOffset(const IRData &irData)
int currentConsecutiveCount = 0;
int currentConsecutiveStart = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < IR_COUNT; i++) {
if ([i]) {
if (currentConsecutiveCount == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < IR_COUNT; i++)
if ([i])
if (currentConsecutiveCount == 0)
currentConsecutiveStart = i;
if (currentConsecutiveCount > maxConsecutiveCount) {
if (currentConsecutiveCount > maxConsecutiveCount)
maxConsecutiveCount = currentConsecutiveCount;
maxConsecutiveStart = currentConsecutiveStart;
} else {
currentConsecutiveCount = 0;
// 如果找到连续区域
if (maxConsecutiveCount > 0) {
if (maxConsecutiveCount > 0)
// 计算连续区域的中心位置
float centerPos = maxConsecutiveStart + (maxConsecutiveCount - 1) / 2.0f;
// 将中心位置转换为偏移量
offset = (centerPos - (IR_COUNT - 1) / 2.0f) * (4.0f / (IR_COUNT - 1));
// 根据连续激活的数量调整权重
// 修改权重计算逻辑
float weight = 1.0;
if (maxConsecutiveCount == 2) {
weight = 1.2; // 小幅转弯
} else if (maxConsecutiveCount >= 3) {
weight = 1.5; // 大幅转弯
if (maxConsecutiveCount == 1)
// 单点检测到,说明可能在边缘,需要较大的修正
weight = 2.0;
else if (maxConsecutiveCount == 2)
// 两点检测到,需要中等程度的修正
weight = 1.5;
else if (maxConsecutiveCount >= 3)
// 多点检测到,可能接近中心,使用较小的修正
weight = 1.0;
// 根据检测点的位置调整权重
if (maxConsecutiveStart == 0 || maxConsecutiveStart + maxConsecutiveCount >= IR_COUNT - 1)
// 如果在边缘位置,增加权重以加快回中
weight *= 1.5;
offset *= weight;
Serial.print("Center at sensor: "); Serial.print(centerPos);
Serial.print(" Consecutive count: "); Serial.println(maxConsecutiveCount);
} else {
Serial.print("Center at sensor: ");
Serial.print(" Count: ");
Serial.print(" Weight: ");
// 如果没有找到连续区域,使用所有激活点的加权平均
int activeCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < IR_COUNT; i++) {
if ([i]) {
for (int i = 0; i < IR_COUNT; i++)
if ([i])
float positionOffset = (i - (IR_COUNT - 1) / 2.0f) * (4.0f / (IR_COUNT - 1));
offset += positionOffset;
if (activeCount > 0) {
if (activeCount > 0)
offset /= activeCount;